Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunday morning, sitting on the deck, delicious coffee, sun, quiet! Amazing that is's so quiet here in town, at the Lake was like a busy village with kids, cars, animals, all getting the day organized. Here, it's just a few cars in the distance, birds and wind. Nice! I look at my backyard, with a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction as the yard work is about 50% "complete". Grass is nice, deck and gazebo area are ok, lots of "toys" are placed and ready to be played with and on. This is significant because I am NOT a gardener. Never have been, prior to this, only when coerced by Doug. Allergies, work schedule and general dislike of dirt are the basis of this personality "trait"(Doug accepted this, but never understood!) Anyway, a bit at a time this past few weeks, and some progress made. Best part is that I still have 5 weeks of vacation left!
As well, today is Miss Violet's birthday party. One year passed, and again, we made it! Not only have we made it, but we have participated and enjoyed the year. New experiences, trying different patterns of doing things, changing...Delaney was talking yesterday about making a book for Violet so she would know her grandpa Doug. Wow, what a great we'll do that over the next while.
So summer continues, always decisions to be weighed, but enjoying the days as they come. Today, I'm not alone, enjoying the blessings of family and health. Happy birthday, lovely Violet!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Summer so far

Already July, two weeks of "vacation" done, and really nothing accomplished. I am amazed at my lack of accomplishment. Yard, house, garage, car--all suffer from this chronic condition known as neglect.
BUT, we did have an absolutely wonderful time in Nova Scotia. It really was away from all things Dalmeny in my life, and Delaney loved everything about our trip. Was I happy to be home? Not really, but I was happy to see puppy. House? Not really. Friends? Haven't seen anyone yet. Family? Nice to see everyone here, but they are all busy with everything else.
Anyway, NS is a beautiful place. Some shopping in very nice shops, trips to Peggys Cove and Halifax harbour, lobster meal...all so not Saskatchewan. Meeting Zach's family also so nice, faces and personalities to go with all the names!
Now, Steve is back here and will continue with some reno's. Keep getting this house ready to sell in case I ever make any decisions. and so summer continues.