Thursday, May 13, 2010

Something clicked in my head this past week, perhaps some activity neurons were reawakened after some time of not being used! Anyway, I must become much more active--and indeed, the movement has begun! Is this part of a reawakening of my brain after a year of "suspended animation"? Volleyball, Zumba, walking...part of the summer routine? This is the only 'moving' I'll be doing this year. The journey continues....


  1. If there was a "like" option, I would like this... :)


  2. Good for you, Deb! Zumba? What's that?

  3. Zumba is a kind of dance, there is some info on a class in Dalmeny on am going to try it Tues. So, to add to the activity I moved some stuff(border wood rails) in the yard today---weeded, mowed, raked...not sore yet!

  4. I have friends that do Zumba (in Arizona). They love it and tell me it is such a fun workout!!! Lenore
