Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Beginning..

Another morning, 4 am, sitting in my living room AWAKE. Should I read instead of surfing? No, I think I'll take my musing from lamenting to reminiscing...
How did Doug and I meet? I was in grade 10, young thing, right? Doug had returned to YRHS (Yorkton Regional High School) to upgrade his high school marks after a solo trip to New Zealand, and he was sharing his younger brother's locker--which was right across the hall from mine. He had asked out a couple other girls that I knew, but things just hadn't worked out.I was waiting for a call from another guy (hmm, also older, weird) but this Doug called and asked for a date to a movie. Well, off we went, but I had a girlfriend coming for a sleepover, so movie then right home (the theatre was 2 blocks from my house). After that outing, I had stated to everyone that I didn't think we'd be going out again--he was nice, but not my type-whatever that was. I continued waiting for the other guy to call, but that didn't happen. Apparently, other guy was told NOT to bother, Deb was now dating someone else. and so the direction of my life was set...I thought going out with Doug again would be fun, and let's be totally honest...he had the most awesome car in the Yorkton teen world...'71 green Camaro, always keep shiny and full of gas. Thinking about this and talking out loud to myself, I know we would NEVER have encouraged/allowed our teen daughters to date an older guy , but without this guy, I would not have the super awesome kids I have...


  1. I like hearing these things. Keep posting stories.

    Yeah grade 10 sounds so young... :)

  2. Yes, a green camaro would be hard to resist. And I concur w/ Dana - the stories are great!
