Friday, March 11, 2011

I am so glad this week is coming to an end. I am drained, done, tired. All the past month my thoughts have been consumed with "this was the last time we did .." whatever it was such as going to church, going to Candle Lake during the Feb. break, snowmobiling with the kids, family supper, on and on. Now I can give that a rest for a bit...and give myself a rest. 2 years done, Delaney is now 10. We have made it this far, praise God for that. Despite us, life continues'; God is good.


  1. (hugs)
    Hope you're able to get some rest and you lots.

  2. I sure know how you have been feeling and can empathize.....doesn't seem to get any easier does it! Take good care my are always in my thoughts and prayers.
