Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Birthday to Delaney

I was going to add to my Remembrance day post, but as usual I have been distracted. Remembrance to me is more than the Veterans. I remember the heroes in my life--Doug, my dad, my father-in-law. I really did not finish my thoughts there, but those memories bring me to the next topic--my baby is 10 on Friday the 12th. Wow! She said to me today that she would like to spend just two more days being 9, since 10 is almost a teenager! Ah, such a sweet girlie. And, as usual, as I write about Delaney, I cry. This is her second birthday without her daddy. It is not fair that she has had to experience such tough things already, but life is not fair. So I cherish the little girl with whom I have been entrusted, put my faith in our God who is a Father to the fatherless, and plan the first birthday party I have had to do for any of my kids by myself. Happy birthday, Delaney!

1 comment:

  1. I cannot believe she is 10.
    Yep, not fair for her to not have dad around.
    We will make sure that she does not forget him and constantly remind her of him.
    I love my baby sister.
