Saturday, November 20, 2010

OK, so I can only do this once a week, so it seems. And I don't sleep some nights, so looks like a match of no sleep=blog. The birthday weekend was a blur. Party went well! It is so fun as the girls get older and they actually visit with me, plus they made their own games for the most part, and played well. The time actually flew by, and before we knew it the party was over. Then we went to the Sheraton for a sleepover Sat nite, everyone came for supper and a swim, and a fun time was had by all. Now, we could have gone to Orlando for what I spent on all these events (or one of us could have gone), so next year it's Disneyworld again, well, maybe.
Now the other thing I do when I can't sleep is worry about everything that needs doing here-shovelling, fixing all kinds of things that go wrong in a house--everything is so time consuming, including thinking about it all the time. Should make me tired, then I could sleep, but no...I have to worry about who to do it, how do I find someone to do it, when they can come, how much is it going to be, on and on. Yup, what I really want to do is escape, and since it's night, I'll dream.
Where to go? Somewhere with a temperate clime, cheap to rent, walk where we need to go, schools not necessary as we'll home school the girl for a bit, decent work for me since I can't retire quite yet, and a beach fairly close by. We should take the dog, but the cat will have to stay behind. I'll have to think on this for a bit.
Nope, still not ready for bed...what to do now? Worry? Dream? Got it---Pray!

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